Dear Klaus, Barak,

FYI regarding participation of DESY staff.



From: Katarzyna Wichmann <>
Sent: 22 March 2022 16:50
To: Cridge, Tom <>
Subject: Re: DIS2022 WG1 - confirmation of in person attendance

⚠ Caution: External sender

hello Tom,

this is just to you, i need to find more details for an official answer.
essentially at the same time that your email, we at DESY got another one, from our directorate.
there is a phrase there saying:

"DESY employees will not participate in conferences co-organized by Russian or Belarusian institutes or where Russian or Belarusian speakers are announced."

i need to find out if that is relevant for DIS22, if it does have russian or belarusian speakers - i will not able to come ...
please give me sometime to investigate.

of course if you are pressed for time or answer, you can share this with other organisers.


On 22/03/22 16:57, Cridge, Tom wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Thank you for your abstract submission (number 293) for working group 1 of DIS2022 in Santiago de Compostela. We are emailing to confirm that you will be able to attend the conference in person to give this talk, please confirm this to us as soon as possible as we need this information to share with the organisers.

Many thanks,

Tom Cridge (for WG1 - Tom, Klaus, Barak)