Ok, sorry. It was a misunderstanding, again.


Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Email: nestor.armesto@usc.es
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Web: https://igfae.usc.es/
Personal webpage: https://igfae.usc.es/nestor/
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: Cridge, Tom <t.cridge@ucl.ac.uk>
Enviado: xoves, 5 de maio de 2022 11:16
Para: ARMESTO PEREZ NESTOR <nestor.armesto@usc.es>; dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg6@igfae.usc.es>; dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es <dis2022_wg1@igfae.usc.es>
Asunto: Joint session WG1 + WG6
Dear Nestor, all,

Please hold the joint session in the WG6 room otherwise we have both that and the WG1 only session to be held here in the same room. We are having to send people back to WG6, please make sure you announce this at the WG6 room.

