Dear WG6 conveners,

Following Nestor's hard work to obtain an additional room and confirmation we can accept a few additional talks for joint sessions earlier today, we are emailing to return to your idea of a joint session between WG1 and WG6 on future experiments. We would propose to include the following talks in this session (some of which we currently only had room for as posters):

62, 344, 361, 386 and also 331("Studying nuclear matter with jets in the sPHENIX experiment at RHIC") and 67 ("Probing free nucleons with (anti)neutrinos") , the first four were all jointly submitted to our WGs originally whilst the latter two were submitted to WG1 on this topic, therefore I include the titles for those two.

Please let us know if this would work for you and if so/not your comments on this. I would also note that currently in WG1 we are occupying one room for the whole of the timetabled parallel sessions, therefore this additional joint session would be parallel to one of our sessions and in addition to WG6's current sessions I believe. We would organise our timetable to ensure the overlapping topics were not of mutual interest.

Many thanks,

Tom (for WG1 conveners - Tom, Klaus, Barak)