Dear Pepe,

Thanks for your email, there are two options possible depending on what you prefer. Option 1 is we can move your talk to last thing on Tuesday, where we have a space, would you be able to present it in person then? Alternatively, we can leave it where it is as you say your colleague could present it, in that case it would remain with other related talks in the Thursday morning session. Both options are fine for us as conveners of WG1 so please let us know what you prefer.

Best Regards,

Tom (for WG1 conveners - Tom, Klaus, Barak)

Sent: 21 April 2022 18:29
To: Pepe Rodriguez-Quintero <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [DIS2022_wg1] Re: [DIS2022] Re: [Indico] DIS2022: final bulletin

⚠ Caution: External sender

Dear pepe,

I put the conveners of WG1 in cc., as they are the ones organising the sessions and timetable.

Best regards



Néstor Armesto
Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE)
Tel: +34 881 814 107
Personal webpage:
Follow us on Twitter @IGFAE_HEP

De: Pepe Rodriguez-Quintero <>
Enviado: xoves, 21 de abril de 2022 18:27
Para: <>
Asunto: [DIS2022] Re: [Indico] DIS2022: final bulletin
Dear Nestor, 
I'm one of the participants of DIS2022, the talk of whom has been scheduled for the morning of Thursday, May 5th. 
That was initially fine with me, nevertheless an unexpected problem came out this week. Being Vice-President of Research
in my University, I've been committed for a meeting in Madrid by the morning of the very Thursday and I've thought
to leave Santiago by Wednesday afternoon.
Would it still be possible to reschedule it such that I might deliver the talk before leaving?
Otherwise, if this is very troublesome, I can always ask one of my colleagues, also participating in the meeting, for taking my place and
surrogate me in delivering the talk.
All my best, Pp.

P.S.: Nestor, ¿qué tal estás? Escribo en inglés porque supongo que tendrás que ponerlo en consideración de los correspondientes conveners.
Si fuera posible el cambio, sería estupendo. Pero no quiero causar problemas. De todos modos, estaré hasta el miércoles y uno de mis colaboradores
se quedará hasta el viernes y podría reemplazarme.


On Thu, Apr 21, 2022 at 5:45 PM <> wrote:

Dear participant,

We're contacting you because you registered for the event DIS2022: XXIX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects.

Please find here the final bulletin, with some useful information.

Best regards

Nestor Armesto for the LPC

José Rodríguez Quintero
Dept. of Integrated Sciences, Faculty of Experimental Sciences
Group Leader of FQM-370: "Subatomic and Molecular Physics" &
Vice Chancellor of Research and Transfer
University of Huelva
Research ID: L-3229-2014