Dear Tom and WG1 conveners,

Thanks for your emails. As for 373 and 54 we simply meant that we would consider them with our others, not that we would necessarily take them - we need to discuss this amongst ourselves.

Thanks for the clarification. In the meantime we got in touch with WG4 conveners. Most likely they will not take 54. 

  • We in WG1 take abstract 141 as well as 153 (we will ask the authors to merge it with another talk we have - 167 which is shared with yourselves and WG4) and 325 (again we will ask the authors to merge it with another talk we have). Can we take it you are not interested in these? We have not asked the authors to merge yet, this was our thoughts on the abstracts.
WG4 showed some interest in 167. They will contact you regarding this. We will not take the above abstracts. 
  • You in WG5 will take/deal with shared abstracts 237, 199, 239, 72, 378, 391 and 394?
Yes, we will take care of these.

  • For the abstracts submitted to each WG we felt more appropriate for the other you will take 132 and 377 as parallel talks in WG5, and 362 as a poster in WG5?
We will take 362 as a poster. We thought of taking 132 and 377 as parallel talks, but we may move them to posters. So if you haven't hit the accept button yet, please hold off. We will let you know our final decision later. 
  • Meanwhile, we will discuss 373 and 54 and let you know as soon as we have considered them in case you will take the latter at least as a poster.
Yes, please.
