Dear Nestor,

Given the upcoming early registration deadline and several urgent requests for clarity from potential attendees we wish to finalise our invitations and our program. However, we are currently unable to do so as we are lacking clear decisions/guidance on the side of the DIS organisers, this is leaving us in a quite uncomfortable position and so we therefore have several questions that need to be answered in order to allow us to complete our duties.

In particular:

- we need a decision/information with respect to speakers from Russian
   or Belorussian institutes, since we have learned that DESY speakers would
   be forbidden to participate in case there were any, see here:
   You certainly have been contacted with respect to that question.

- We did not hear back from you with respect to the "joint session" with WG6,
   is it refused? Would this take one session from each of us? ?
   For now we have assumed it will not happen but it would make the abstract situation more straightforward.

- Most urgently, we would like to understand whether online presentations are
   accepted or not (ideally without us judging the relevance of their reasons),
   and whether we should prioritise in person backup talks instead. It appears we would have 
   enough talks that could be given in person to fill the schedule, but some are backups currently.

We have a growing list of talks for which speakers may not be able to attend and several which definitely cannot attend, in addition to several backup talks currently accepted as posters that need addressing as soon as possible (several of the authors have requested urgent clarity on this). We understand the issues of covid and other factors have complicated the organisation this year but request that you please help us to solve these issues rapidly and efficiently.

Best regards,
Klaus, Barak, Tom of WG1