To the Organizers of DIS 2022,

     Hello, my name is Matt Sievert; I'm reaching out to you today regarding our abstract which was accepted for a talk in the  session WG4: QCD with Heavy Flavours and Hadronic Final States, entitled, "Are Jets Narrowed or Broadened in e+A SIDIS?"

     Our intended speaker for this talk was the student researcher, Hannah Clayton.  Hannah is currently in the UK, so in-person participation at DIS 2022 would have been quite feasible for her.  However, due to school constraints, Hannah will be unable to deliver the talk herself.

     I, on the other hand, would be willing to deliver the talk as planned, but in-person participation for me at Santiago de Compostela is unfortunately impossible at this time.  The week of DIS is also Finals Week here at NMSU, so the timing of the travel would be prohibitive, even aside from the transatlantic expense.  

     For these reasons, I am writing to ask for your recommendation as the organizers, whether it would be preferable to make arrangements to allow for the remote presentation of our talk, or if we should instead withdraw our abstract since we will be unable to participate in person.  

Best regards,
 - Matt Sievert


Dr. Matthew D. Sievert
he / him / his
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
New Mexico State University