Hi everybody,

Due to some overlappings, the date for the first session of the Cordas Club has been changed to next Friday 26 at 11:30. It will take place in Aula C (the one in the left corner as you enter IGFAE) for those who can come and will also be broadcasted by Zoom (I will send the email a few minutes before the session starts) for those that want to connect telematically.

As I said, the discussion will be lead by me and will talk about some simple model in 2d gravity
Title: JT gravity and its connection to Random Matrix Theory

Abstract: Jackiw-Teitelboim (JT) gravity is a very simple dilaton-gravity toy model in two dimensions. For a long time, little attention has been put into this and other similar models that are very far from the real-world gravity but recent developments have brought it back into focus in the high energy community. Its relation with the quantum-chaotic model of Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) is one of such developments, but an even stronger equivalence has been found with some random matrix theory ensembles. Indeed, the JT model is the first gravity theory for which the exact Euclidean path integral has been performed exactly at all loops, a fact that by itself makes this theory worth studying. In this session I will try to review (or at least scratch the surface) of the main aspects of this model and (time-permitting) will sketch the computation of the path integral and its equivalence with RMT.

Covid restrictions: The room is big and we can safely keep a distance from each other, but of course all protocols are to be respected and masks will be mandatory for all attendants.

See you there!