Hi everybody,

This Friday 26th at 11:30 in Aula C we will keep on going with the cordas-club. In this occasion the discussion will be led by Javier Mas, who will talk to us about ETH.

Title: The Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis.

Abstract:  I will give a 2 part talk. In the first one, I will highlight  the essentials of the  ETH following in the review 1509.06411. In a second one, I will show that the ansatz applies to the case of the SYK Hamiltonian, following the paper 1707.08013.


Zoom details
Tema: Cordas Club
Hora: 26 mar. 2021 11:30 a. m. Madrid
Unirse a la reunión Zoom
ID de reunión: 820 2042 1452
Código de acceso: AdSCFT

Covid restrictions: The room is big and we can safely keep a distance from each other, but of course all protocols are to be respected and masks will be mandatory for all attendants.

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See you there!