Hi everybody,

This Friday 30th at 11:30 in Aula C we will keep on going with the cordas-club. In this occasion the discussion will be led by Alejandro Vilar who will talk to us about the holography of information.

Abstract: We will review the (somewhat controversial) proposal of "holography of information", which states that in a theory of quantum gravity a copy of all the information on a Cauchy slice is available near its boundary. The idea will be to discuss some of the low-energy hints employed to defend this proposal. If time permits, we will also discuss the relation of these ideas with recent braneworld models of black hole evaporation in which the asymptotic bath is coupled to dynamical gravity.


A recent review which presents these ideas (and which will guide the discussion) are the first 5 sections of:

More detailed references which expand on the arguments of the review are:

Finally, the braneworld model of evaporation is presented in:

Covid restrictions: The room is big and we can safely keep a distance from each other, but of course all protocols are to be respected and masks will be mandatory for all attendants.

Broadcast details
The meeting will be held in the open source platform JITSI


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See you there!