A joint meeting among leading Russian and Spanish Scientists will take place in Santiago de Compostela, September 8th-11th.
The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen the already existing collaborations and initiate new ones. The organization expects to cover living expenses of around 10-15 russian scientists.
The deadline for applications is 22 June-2015.
The conference fee is 130 euros. Russian scientists are exempts. The organization will cover the hotel and living expenses of a limited number of russian participants.
The following topics will be within the scope of the Workshop:
- Strong interactions of hadrons at high energies accessible on Large Hadron Collider.
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics on LHC and RHIC and predictions of new phases in hot and dense nuclear matter.
- Low and intermediate energy hadron physics: effective Lagrangians and realizations of CP breaking.
- AdS/CFT and AdS/QCD correspondence in Quantum Field and String Theory and Holographic models of Strong Interactions.
- Search for Physics beyond the Standard Model at ultra-high energies both on colliders and on space located installations.
- Modern Cosmology, Dark Energy and theoretical implications on Extra Space dimensions and deviations from Newton dynamics.
- Dark Matter in the Universe and Axion manifestation.
- Integrability in Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory.
- Nuclear physics of neutron rich nuclei.